Resolution No. 363 of 27.04.1986

Date of entry into force: 1986

In accordance with the provisions of para (a) of Article 42 of the constitution.

The Revolutionary Command Council have decided in their session held on 27.04.1986 the following:


The naturalization of the foreigner who was a minor on the expiry date of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution No. (180) on 03.02.1980 shall be accepted on the following conditions:

1. His father should be naturalized with the Iraqi nationality according to the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution No. 180 of 03.02.1980 or his mother should be enjoyed with the Iraqi nationality in case of the death of his fatter or one of his brothers has attained the Iraqi nationality with the exception of his sisters who have acquired the Iraqi nationality by getting married with an Iraqi.

2. He should fulfill the legal conditions stipulated in one of the two paras (3 and 7) of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution No. 180 of 03.02.1980 on submitting the request.

3. A request of naturalization should be submitted within one year from attaining the majority (legal age) or within a year from the date of coming into force of this resolution if he had attained the legal age (majority).


This resolution shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and the Minister of Interior shall undertake its execution.

Saddam Hussein
Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council

The original text in Arabic